Associations and Institutions
The British Institute of Embalmers

The British Institute of Embalmers (BIE) was founded in 1927 by a group of 15 Funeral Directors who recognized the need for a separate organization for the professional embalmer. The purpose of the British Institute of Embalmers is to advance and promote the art and science of embalming.
The British Institute of Embalmers (BIE) was founded in 1927 by a group of 15 Funeral Directors who recognized the need for a separate organization for the professional embalmer. The purpose of the British Institute of Embalmers is to advance and promote the art and science of embalming.
The Institute is committed to supporting and protecting the status, character and interest of persons professing or practising the art and science of embalming. It exists to promote the efficient tuition of persons seeking to study and practise embalming and for encouraging members to maintain their proficiency and observing best practice by providing educational lectures, conferences and other forums for its members.
The Institute will consider all questions affecting the interests of persons engaged in embalming, sanitation, and disposal of the deceased, and to initiate and watch over, and, if thought desirable, to petition the government, or promote deputation’s in relation to any public measure affecting any matters aforesaid, and to promote improvements in the principles and administration of the law relating to the care of the deceased.
Each member of the Institute takes very seriously the sacred trust that exists between them and the next of kin who have entrusted the care of their deceased family member to them.
This trust is embodied in the Institutes Code of Ethics which is recited and observed by all members and is as follows: –
- I believe that the practice of Embalming is in the interest of Public Health and promise to promote embalming to the best of my ability.
- I will treat with respect each dead human body.
- I pledge a complete confidential relationship to those I am called upon to serve.
- I will endeavour to promote scientific research in the problems affecting Embalming.
- I undertake to abide by the regulations of the BIE and to support, to the best of my ability, any meeting or gathering arranged by them.
The National Association of Funeral Directors
Established in 1905, the NAFD represents the interests of the entire spectrum of funeral directing businesses – including independent businesses, the Co-operative and major funeral groups – who conduct in excess of 80% of UK funerals every year

The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors

SAIF was established in 1989 and represents more than 870 privately owned, independent funeral homes across the UK. We work hard within the profession to promote best practice and protect the interests of our members and their local communities.
The European Association of Embalmers
The European Association of Embalmers, also EAE, is an organisation that is open to all professional embalmers across Europe and even beyond.
Our goal is the exchange of knowledge about our country-specific embalming rules and experiences, the accreditation of education of new embalmers, and thus the European wide recognition of embalmers qualifications.